
OpenVPN is an open source solution for VPN client and server software. Through this tutorial you will learn how to install OpenVPN client on Debian 12.

Update the packages of your Debian 12 system

To install the latest stable package of OpenVPN it’s necessary to update the package index file. To update it type:

sudo apt update

apt update helps to update the package index file to make sure the system has the latest stable version of software packages.

How to install OpenVPN client on Debian 12

To install openvpn client type:

sudo apt install openvpn

The apt install downloads and installs the package from the repository.

To find version of openvpn type:

openvpn --version

How to setup OpenVPN client on Debian 12

To use OpenVPN client a .ovpn configuration from your vpn provider is required. TorGuard for example has a config generator for OpenVPN. Download it from your profile and type:

openvpn --confing your_config_name.ovpn

The openvpn’s –config option helps to specify the configuration file .

The prompt asks for your username and password. Enter them.

Final thoughts

The OpenVPN software provides an easy client solution for anyone who needs to connect to their VPN server and is passionate about open source. It also comes with rich command-line options for the advanced user.

The above instructions can used to install OpenVPN client on Ubuntu too. And probably other linux distributions based on Debian.

To learn about openvpn’s commands type:

openvpn --help


man openvpn 

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