Angel numbers deceive

Number sequences such as 222, 333, 444, 555 etc encode messages from angels. Many in the spiritual community believe and follow them blindly. Contrary to the main belief, angel numbers deceive spiritual people. This article explains how angel numbers deceive spiritual people.
Angel numbers interfere aggressively with your daily activities
Angel numbers appear the most while you are focused on your daily activities. As you progress with your work angel numbers show out of nowhere to catch your attention. Disguised as helpful guides angel numbers interfere aggressively with your daily activities.
Completely unaware of their malicious intent, you immediately interrupt your work and focus on the meaning of the angel number that pops up on the digital clock. Instead of investing the energy to complete your daily tasks and activities, you now spend it on the angel number.
Angel numbers do not show their source
Angel numbers do not reveal the beings behind them. Their source and true intention are unknown. Nobody in the spiritual community has ever contacted the beings behind the angel numbers.
If the intention of the angel numbers is positive why don’t they reveal the beings behind them? Why aren’t the beings behind angel numbers transparent with the spiritual people?
They steal your attention and energy
Angel numbers deceive spiritual people by pretending to feed them positive energy and thoughts. They do the opposite. Angel numbers steal your attention and energy.
Nations wage wars against each other for natural resources. According to attention economics human attention is a resource, a scarce commodity. The psychological and spiritual war is made for your attention.
222,333,444,555 keep you inside a bubble
Spiritual people believe that the angel numbers guide and keep them on the right track. Such belief is automatically embedded in their core being during the spiritual journey. It’s never questioned.
The truth is that the angel numbers deceive spiritual people by keeping them inside a bubble. You live inside a fake world in which everything is going alright.
Angel numbers don’t have a unique meaning
Different spiritual teachers have different interpretations of the meanings behind the angel numbers. Various blogs on the internet share their decoding for the angel numbers. And they differ from each other. This alone is a strong key argument that supports the claim that angel numbers deceive spiritual people.
Angel numbers have no practical solutions to your problems
Angel numbers deceive you. They don’t offer a practical solution to your spiritual, psychological, and physical health problems. The angel numbers transmit the same messages over and over. There is no concrete method or way offered by angel numbers.
Although spiritual people follow them out of desperation not only doesn’t their situation get any better, but it keeps degrading.
Angel numbers keep repeating themselves
Angel numbers keep repeating in a loop. Not only doesn’t such repetition help you in your spiritual journey, but it’s a brainwashing mechanism to keep you in a never-ending cycle.
By repeating themselves periodically angel numbers deceive you. Every time an angel number pops up on your screen you remind yourself that you’re on the right path. When in fact you are not.
Like a radio, they transmit the same program.
Final thoughts
The beings behind angel numbers deceive spiritual people for their benefit. Masquerading as beings of true light they trap you in a bubble and harvest your energy. Although it may seem unbelievable it’s a good idea to question the motives behind the angel numbers.
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